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I love: Bright colors, Hanging out with friends, my family, Jesus, Ecuador, The beach, And I am a missionary kid serving God in whatever way I can.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My essay!!

Hi Guys this is my persuading essay I had to write for my online writing teacher, I hope you like it, and I hope I persuaded you. :)

A Person’s a Person no Matter how Small
Have you ever thought how life would be like without the certain people you love? I think it would be terrible. You would have no shoulder to cry on, no one who believes in you, and no one who understands what you are going through. Just think if your best friend’s mom had your best friend out of wedlock and decided for an abortion, who would be your best friend then? Certainly you have other friends but what if there moms chose the same simple way to deal with their mistakes, abortion.
It makes me so mad sometimes when people have abortions. Even though you cannot see, feel, or here the wonderful human growing within you doesn't mean he is not alive yet. You were once as small as a peanut, can you imagine? But now look at you: fully educated, healthy, growing well all because of your mom. What if she’d decided the other route? 
If that poor little innocent human being had a choice, I am pretty sure they would chose life over death. Maybe you are in a situation where you can’t afford the baby.You should find other couples who are wiling to adopt, or send them to an orphanage. We adopted my little brother from an orphanage here in Ecuador, and his birth mom put him in the best orphanage in the whole entire country. I love him to death. I am so happy his mom chose life.
Did you know that God formed you even before you were in your mothers womb? Well he did, and that right there says that He has plans for us, for good and not for bad, and I don’t think any of those plans was to be murdered before you even had a chance. It is just not fair. I don’t understand why it is totally legal for an abortion doctor to do abortions, yet a serial killer goes to jail for committing murder yet both people are doing the same thing. I think this society is a little bit confused.
In the end then next time you or someone you know has a choice over life or death, I would chose life and so would that marvelous, awesome, amazing, human being living inside of you that God himself has created for a purpose, and that purpose wan not to be killed even before taking there first breath of air. After all a person is a person no matter how small, even if there as small as a peanut.

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